
LAC4 Participated at EU-LAC Digital Alliance Cyber Multistakeholder Forum

LAC4 Regional Programme Lead Merili Soosalu participated in the EU-LAC Digital Alliance Cyber Multistakeholder Forum in Madrid, Spain in the 3rd plenary session on capacity building and enhancing cybersecurity and secure connectivity in the LAC region. The cross-sectoral forum, organized by Digital for Development (D4D hub), brought together different participants from Europe and the LAC region to discuss cooperation on cybersecurity and secure connectivity between the two regions.

Merili Soosalu highlighted in her intervention that since 2022, LAC4 has positioned itself as a critical force to put in practice the EU-LAC Digital Alliance through the practical cyber capacity building across Latin America and the Caribbean by carrying out nearly 100 initiatives in over 22 countries, focusing on bi-regional and bilateral activities and facilitating sub-regional cooperation. “Operating as an effective bridge between the EU and the LAC region, LAC4 fosters cooperation on cybersecurity by engaging diverse sectors, from public entities to private enterprises and civil society. Through this comprehensive approach, LAC4 is enabling stronger, more resilient cybersecurity frameworks and practices that benefit the region as a whole.”

Moreover, Merili Soosalu explained that LAC4 promotes a “whole society” approach to cybersecurity by creating cross-sectoral activities that connect essential national and regional stakeholders. LAC4 workstreams include assisting in national cybersecurity strategy development and implementation, conducting table-top exercises for cyber incidents, capacitating CSIRTs, promoting women’s participation in tech and offering cyber hygiene and awareness trainings through an e-learning platform and train-the trainer sessions. “These initiatives not only advance cybersecurity but also reinforce an inclusive, multi-stakeholder approach to resilience across the LAC region,” Soosalu said.

The other panelists at “Capacity building: enhancing cybersecurity and secure connectivity in the LAC region” were Wouter Veenstra from Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, Luis Eliecer Cadenas from RedCLARA, Ivan Rejon from Ericsson, Javier Marin from NUMU and Alessandro Calabrese from Cyber4.0.

The Forum also served as a pre-meeting with LAC4 member countries ahead of LAC4 General Assembly that brings together our participant nations and contributing members to Santiago de Chile on 7th November to take stock on the centre’s work and discuss priorities and activities for the upcoming year.


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