
LAC4 Organises a Series of Train-the-Trainer Workshops in Guatemala to Raise Awareness on Cyber Hygiene

LAC4 organises train-the-trainer workshops on cyber awareness and cyber hygiene in Guatemala this week for representatives and stakeholders from public sector, civil society, private sector and indigenous communities of Guatemala. Training workshops are taking place on 27th and 28th January in Guatemala City and on 30th and 31st January in Quetzaltenango.

Workshops, organized in partnership with the Delegation of the European Union to Guatemala and the Presidential Commission for Open and Electronic Government of Guatemala, aim to equip selected participants with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of cybersecurity and best practices from the region and the EU with a particular emphasis on cyber hygiene. Train-the-trainer method will allow the trainees to become trainers themselves as a next step  and share the skills and methods learnt for the benefit of greater cyber resilience in their respective organisations and communities. 

Workshops are individually designed to different participant groups from public sector, civil society, private sector and indigenous communities to address their specific needs and challenges in raising awareness and advancing cyber hygiene within their peers, and build their training capacity in information security, building cybersecurity programs or conducing awareness trainings within their domains.  

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