
Women in CyberTech Camp @LAC4

The program is open to women working in CISRTs, critical public and private sector organisations on information security and incident response.

LAC4 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

Hands-on workshops for CSIRT practitioners, incident handlers and infosec experts from the Caribbean on foundational cybersecurity tools and practices, including OSINT and Threat Intelligence service design, Android OS reverse engineering and shellcodes assembly.

The training program is open to women working in CISRTs, critical public and private sector organisations on information security and incident response in the Caribbean countries including Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and CARICOMS IMPACS.

To apply (by the deadline of 30 April), please contact Adria Méndez