
Training for creating and operating CSIRTs in the academic sector

The training will facilitate the creation and elevate the maturity of the academic CSIRTs in the LAC region.

Academia, like many other sectors is struggling to cope with the worsening cyber threat environment and the growing use of remote IT networks by a large part of the staff and students working remotely. Wishing on the one hand to maintain their flexibility in conducting academic research, governments need to ensure the protection of their R&D efforts from cyberattacks and theft of intellectual property.

Although national CERTs are capable, their resources may not be sufficient to deal with day-to-day detailed monitoring of threats and incident resolution of one specific sector. This is where sectoral CSIRTs come into play, whose purpose is to ensure solid incident response capabilities for one or more academic institutions.

This training program is created in cooperation with RedCLARA to strengthen Latin America and the Caribbean national research and education networks and increase the capacities of academic CSIRTs.

The training will facilitate the creation and elevate the maturity of the academic CSIRTs in the LAC region. The program is complied with requests from the LATAM National Networks CSIRTs networks that includes Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil and Chile.

This training course is a thorough introduction to Security Incident Management teams (CSIRT/CERT/SOC) with focus on academic sector: their organisation, operation and basic technical issues. An introduction to CSIRT services and CSIRT maturity are included. By the end of the course, participants will be able to understand the functions of Security Incident Managements teams, their organisation and operation.