
EU-LAC Digital Alliance Cybersecurity Policy Dialogue

Bi-regional cybersecurity policy dialogue aims to bring together senior government officials, representatives from the private sector, civil society, and academia from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe.

LAC4 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

EU-LAC Digital Alliance Cybersecurity Policy Dialogue will take place Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, including with technical discussions involving the private sector starting on 14 February 2024 at the LAC4 Centre.

Co-facilitated by the LAC4 centre, the Digital for Development (D4D) Hub, and other strategic partners of the EU-LAC Digital Alliance, this bi-regional cybersecurity policy dialogue aims to bring together senior government officials, representatives from the private sector, civil society, and academia from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe.

Its primary objective is to jointly shape a regional roadmap and agree on tangible actions that would contribute to an increased and necessary cooperation on cybersecurity. Building upon the conclusions from the Digital Alliance days in Colombia of November 2023, our discussion will focus on vital areas such as cyber governance, protection of critical infrastructure, and the pivotal role of the private sector. For your convenience, the conclusions from the Digital Alliance days are annexed herewith. You may also find enclosed a draft agenda outlining the key sessions of the high-level cybersecurity dialogue.