
Cyber diplomacy course in Quito

On 24-27 October 2022
Four-day training course on cyber diplomacy for the Diplomatic Academy in Quito and Ecuadorian diplomats.

LAC4 Equador Quito

Cyber is a new domain in diplomacy and for diplomats, bringing about new challenges that need to be understood and considered in order to be more effective in diplomacy and negotiations.

The aim of the training is to get the participants the knowledge and skills necessary to become actively involved in international cyber diplomacy negotiations and processes in their countries with the aim of furthering the protection of the open, multi-stakeholder model of the internet, and protecting the rights of internet users worldwide, contributing to safer global cyberspace. The training should contribute to the facilitation of diplomatic outreach and national coalition-building on cyber diplomacy issues to support the target country’s diplomatic objectives.

This 4-day classroom training course gives the participants:

  • Knowledge of cyber diplomacy issues and how they are linked to the larger international relations and geopolitics discussion worldwide.
  • Practical guidance on how to determine national views on the application of international law to cyber operations.
  • Improved skills on how to develop and support cyber diplomacy capacities at a national level.
  • Facilitated diplomatic outreach and national coalition-building on cyber diplomacy issues.

This training is organized with the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana de Ecuador, la Academia Diplomática del Ecuador Galo Plaza Lasso and Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información.

The event is invitation-only.